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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Entrepreneurial Mother's Association

I am so excited to announce that Entrepreneurial Mother's Association is coming to the Dallas area!

This is a group of women that are mother's in some fashion and have their own business. It's an opportunity to connect with other women just like us, and learn how to help your business! This is such an exciting opportunity, that will have meetings each month with a guest speaker, dinner, and fun!

For more information on EMA as a whole visit the EMA Website and for more information on the Dallas meeting, application, etc. visit the Dallas FAQ page.

I am so excited about the opportunity! I can only hope that everyone else is excited too! We are looking for a secretary immediately, and will be filling the other offices in the near future. If you are interested in holding an office position please send me an email for further details.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our new affiliate program!

We have introduced a new affiliate program! Earn 18% of every purchase you refer to our site after you sign up! Earn even more if you get other people to sign up for the affiliate program!

Sign up here!
Get details here
Access your account here

Don't forget we donate a portion of every purchase to breast cancer research!