So I have decided to offer a new program and anyone can participate. It's a very simple way for people to earn free jewelry, and we all know that free jewelry is great!
Here's how it works:
1. Express interest in the program by emailing me at
2. I will set you up with your very own unique discount code to give out to your friends, family, coworkers, random people on the street...the sky's the limit.
3. They go to my website at and enter the discount code at check out. Which means they get a discount on what they purchase and you get credit towards your free product(s).
4. At the end of it all, you get free products based on how many sales your unique code accummulated in your time!
*Your code is valid for 2 weeks (14days) from the day it is assigned to you.
*You make 30% of every purchase to go towards your free product.
For example: Your code is used to purchase items at $10, $20, and $35. This means you get $3, $6, and $10.5 ($19.50) towards your jewelry choice.
*If you want an item that is $40 and you only earned $19.50, all you do is pay the difference! It's that easy!!
Email me with questions at
Julia (2014)
9 years ago